Bird Control With Birds of Prey

Deterring pest birds using falconry is a natural method of bird control as it utilises nature’s instincts, Falconry bird control is ideal for;

  • Clearing large sites of nuisance bird populations
  • Operating in urban areas where proofing methods are unsuitable or access is unavailable to our team– shopping centres, flats and city centres
  • Preventing nuisance bird populations from roosting or nesting
  • Clearing pest birds away from a site prior to a bird proofing installation

Why use falconry response for bird control instead of bird proofing?

Sometimes bird proofing isn’t an option. A building may be listed or the size of the building could make proofing impractical. You may have nuisance birds in a wide open area, such as a landfill or farmland, where proofing is just not a viable bird control solution. Our bird control team will be able to determine whether falconry will be an effective recommendation for your site when we complete a site survey.

Call us on 01269 844503